Organising and storage tips for your kid's room November 16 2016

It is amazing how many toys and baby paraphernalia you can accumulate over such a short time. Every year it seems to get more and soon your house looks like it has been decorated by your 2 year old.

Here are a few tips to keep things organised:

  1. Have a wicker basket in every room so that at the end of the day it is easy to quickly tidy up all the toys. Once a week you can sort out each basket and return the toys to their correct place.
  2. Usually the room that you are going to convert into a nursery has a long hanging cupboard which is not that useful for your baby clothes. A closet organiser is worth getting to put baby clothes in.
  3. Divide up your drawers into smaller sections by using shoe, office boxes or Tupperware .
  4. Besides storing books, a bookshelf is a very handy storage device to have and easy to find things quickly.
  5. Boys and cars usually go together, which means you will probably be standing on them once in a while (quite painful by the way). Use magnetic strips to keep the cars in one place where they can still be seen.
  6. Hooking a shoe organizer behind your door is a great way to store all your smaller items and you don’t see it unless the door is closed.
  7. I wish I had this growing up. I loved playing with Lego but hated cleaning up. Here you can play on the bag and quickly just pull it together.
  8. If you have old crates or wooden boxes lying around, paint them a fun colour and use them as storage for toys and books.